It all started in 1956*, when a few members of Dependable Lodge No 6325 thought that their Lodge was growing so quickly that the establishment of a new lodge would be advisable. W Bro Katz was delegated with the task to visit the Grand Secretary to discuss the matter.

A Committee was then formed consisting of the originators of the idea with the addition of a few brethren who were regular attenders of the Dependable Lodge of Instruction. They were later also joined by a few members from other Lodges. None of those brethren could have imagined the significance of those first steps.

Dependable Lodge sponsored the new lodge and sanction was received from Grand Lodge within a very few months. Although it is unclear whose brainwave it actually was, the name was agreed unanimously as the ‘LODGE OF GUIDING LIGHT’.

On September 3rd 1957, 141 brethren assembled at Freemason's Hall to witness the birth of the new Lodge. The first Master was W Bro George Pearson and W Bro Max Berk was appointed our first Director of Ceremonies.